Digital and Electronic Signature
quickly, simply and safely.

Through a Digital and Electronic Signature, it is possible to formalize electronic documents with legal validity, through any device.

Vídeo Assinatura Digital Thumb

The QualiSign Portal

The most complete and secure Portal for Digital and Electronic Signature Services.

The QualiSign portal is a platform that brings together several digital formalization services: digital and electronic signature on any electronic document - contract, report, power of attorney, among others - in addition to e-mail with proof of delivery, time stamp and digital certification. The QualiSign Portal allows you to sign by using any device, being easily integrated with other software.


QualiSign services provide several advantages

Get to know our customers' success stories

documento Eletronico redução e Sustentabilidade



Exchanging the handwritten signature for the digital and electronic signature, in addition to bringing high savings in daily business, helps to preserve the environment.

Find out how much your company can contribute to nature.

Digital and Electronic Signature:

What's the difference?

Both types of subscription are legally valid and guarantee cost reduction and increased productivity. However, each one should be used in different situations.

Understand how Digital Signature differs from Electronic Signature.

Vídeo assinatura digital e eletronica: Características e diferenças

More speed, modernity and security in your company's daily routine.

Higher productivity with reduced costs?

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