What is a Digital Signature?
This technology consists of the signature of any electronic document with unquestionable legal validity. Understand it better.
Digital Signature Concept
The Digital Signature is equivalent to a handwritten signature. It is a technology that uses encryption and links the digital certificate to the electronic document that is being signed. Thus, it gives guarantees of integrity and authenticity.
With a Digital Signature, your company or your department will eliminate the manual process of collecting signatures, the physical shipment of documents, the notarization of signatures and the management of physical documents, reducing costs, simplifying the processes and substantially speeding up the formalization of documents.
The validity and legal admissibility of the digital signature are guaranteed by article 10 of MP No. 2,200-2, which instituted the Infrastructure of Brazilian Public Keys - ICP-Brasil, conferring the presumption of legal veracity in relation to the signatories in the statements contained in the electronic documents.